自动驾驶 | 普林斯顿的DeepDriving

自动驾驶 | 普林斯顿的DeepDriving


介于end-end和传统的model based的自动驾驶之间,输入为图片,输出一些有用的affordance:例如车身姿态、与前车距离、距路边距离等,然后利用这些数据通过公式计算所需的具体驾驶指令如加速、刹车、转向等。

DeepDriving: Learning Affordance for Direct Perception in Autonomous Driving





  • DeepDrivingCode_v1.zip: Source Code and Setup File. This is the old version, please use the new one instead.
  • DeepDrivingCode_v2.zip: Source Code and Setup File. Please use this version.
  • TORCS_trainset.zip: The training set is in leveldb format, the images are in the integer data field, while the corresponding labels are in the float data field.
  • TORCS_baseline_testset.zip: A fixed testset to compare with the baselines (Caltech lane detector and GIST).
  • Note: Our real testing is to let the ConvNet to drive the car in the game. So the testing images are generated on-the-fly.
发布于 2020-01-06 20:14