

如果气球?在你的记忆中还是杂乱而又俗气的,那你在这之前看到的一定完全统统都是假的气球? !千万别走开,因为下面将要带你进入一个真实的,时髦的,趣味盎然的气球?世界!

Forget about your childhood balloon trauma, all different color balloons mess in unfashionable party. Use your imagination to see balloons as a perfect tool to deliver style and meaningful decoration!


Bubbly, bouncy, bright, and beautiful are all lovely qualities that balloons bring to any celebratory event. If you're seeking an easy way to decoratea space for your next party, we’ve got you covered. Here are 10 balloon decoration ideas that will make your next party POP!

1. ? 气球项链装饰!Linking Balloons Party Garland!


Each balloon comes with a bit of extra latex tail so that it can be easily tied to the mouth of the next balloon. It is seriously EASY and makes a big party impact.

2. ?热带气球花环装饰!Tropical Balloon Garland!


These sweeping garland in peach, pink and white with multi-size balloons, has a tropical vibe. This display would make a beautiful decoration for a baby shower or birthday party.

3. ? 巨型水果气球装饰!Giant Fruit Balloons!


These giant fruit props are made entirely out of balloons and are so easy to create! They make super fun and kinda crazy party decorations.

4. ? 彩虹气球!Rainbow Balloon Arch!


Why pick one color when you can choose them all? This rainbow of balloons will make a show stopping impression on your guests at the party — it can stand at the entry way as guests arrive or against a wall for them to take commemorative photographs.

5. ? 气球背景墙!Balloon Wall Photobooth!


My favorite party ideas are the most simple and straight forward. This balloon wall fits that category. This would be awesome as party decor backdrop or as a photobooth!

6. ? 巨型球类装饰!Giant Sports Balloons!

选择大号的气球勾画出棒球⚾️ 网球? 篮球? 足球⚽️ 甚至是桌球?的纹路,这样各类巨型球体道具就出来了,绝对是运动主题派对的创意装饰哦!

These giant sports balloons would be the perfect props for a little leaguer’s birthday — or post-game wrap!

7. ? 气球的墙体艺术!Balloon Wall-Art!


Create a grand gesture with the most basic balloons. Choose one color or several shades, blow up balloons, and attach to wall with double-sided tape.

8. ? 气球泳池!PoolParty Balloon Wall!

泳池派对没有泳池怎么办?? 自己“造”一个吧!在墙上用笔勾勒出泳池的线条,然后用蓝色的长条气球组合出泳池的造型,再用黑色气球勾画出泳池的爬梯。警告-禁止潜水哦!

In celebration of summer, this pool balloon wall is a fun, silly addition to any summer soirée. Throw in some full-size inflatables for easy photobooth props and decoration. Just remember — no diving!

9. ? 萌萌的气球恐龙!Adorable Dinosaur Balloon!


They’re super easy to craft, you just need paper, balloons, glue, and balloon sticks! They also make great decorations: turn them into center pieces, or photobooth props.

10. ? 恐怖气球元素!Spooky Balloons!


Turn simple inflated balloons into spooky scenes with black witch and bat silhouettes and some glow-in-the-dark ghost balloons.


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发布于 2017-09-13 10:37