#深入探究# Tensorflow.Data.shuffle 方法的实现原理和 buffer_size 参数的作用

#深入探究# Tensorflow.Data.shuffle 方法的实现原理和 buffer_size 参数的作用


今天在学习 tensorflow 中 dataset 的shuffle方法时,对 buffer_size 这个参数一直不理解

找遍了全网,都只是说 buffer_size 数值越大,混乱程度越好,没有从原理上解释这个参数是什么意思,


Randomly shuffles the elements of this dataset.
This dataset fills a buffer with buffer_size elements, then randomly samples elements from this buffer, replacing the selected elements with new elements. For perfect shuffling, a buffer size greater than or equal to the full size of the dataset is required.
For instance, if your dataset contains 10,000 elements but buffer_size is set to 1,000, then shuffle will initially select a random element from only the first 1,000 elements in the buffer. Once an element is selected, its space in the buffer is replaced by the next (i.e. 1,001-st) element, maintaining the 1,000 element buffer.
reshuffle_each_iteration controls whether the shuffle order should be different for each epoch. In TF 1.X, the idiomatic way to create epochs was through the repeat transformation:


buffer_size 规定了乱序缓冲区的大小,且要求缓冲区大小大于或等于数据集的完整大小;

此外,buffer_size不宜过大,过大会导致内存爆炸;读完官方的帮助文档,才从本质上明白了 buffer_size参数的含义和shuffle方法背后实现的原理。

编辑于 2021-03-14 23:46