十字军之王3开发日志#63 | 6/8 1.4.0版本号“蔚蓝”补丁附记

十字军之王3开发日志#63 | 6/8 1.4.0版本号“蔚蓝”补丁附记

牧游社 牧有汉化翻译

CK3 Dev Diary #63 - 1.4.0 "Azure" Patch Notes

pdx_snob, Recruit

Hello crusaders!


Nice meeting you all, it was only last year that I joined the Crusader Kings III production team so it is with great pleasure that I write my first Dev Diary - to share with you the final changelog of the Azure patch, and some news on the Multiplayer open beta.


Everything went well since the last diary so the patch will drop today as promised.It packs a mix of new features, new events, balance improvements, AI improvements, modding improvements and fixes to bugs reported by our great community.


Check the Dev Diaries below for a refresher on what has been mentioned about Azure so far:


十字军之王3开发日志#55 | 4/13 模组功能改进
十字军之王3开发日志#57 | 4/27 多事之夏
十字军之王3开发日志#58 | 5/4 扩展特质
十字军之王3开发日志#59 | 5/11 神奇预设在哪里
十字军之王3开发日志#60 | 5/18 战争的代价
十字军之王3开发日志#62|6/1 君主之旅开启

The changelog


So here is the final changelog if you feel like scrolling through 10 pages of additions and fixes:


1.4.0 "Azure" Changelog

# Free Features

- Game rule presets can be created!You can now easily switch between different configurations depending on your mood.The last configuration is used by default for future games.
- 实装游戏规则预设!现在可以按喜好轻松切换不同配置。最后一次使用的配置将默认用于新游戏。

- Character finder presets can be created.Finding future spouses, wards, councillors,...will be easier than ever!When creating a new preset, you can save almost everything!Dynamic objects however won't be memorized (custom faiths, specific Dynasties and Houses)
- 实装角色查找器预设。寻找未来的配偶,监护人、内阁成员等人物会比以前容易得多!创建预设时几乎可以保留一切内容!但无法储存动态条目(如自定义信仰,特定的宗族和家族)。

- Men at arms can be raised independently of levies, either to the first existing rally point or from a specific one.It will allow you to crush small rebellions or wage small wars without calling all your levies.
- 武装兵士可以单独征召至首个或特定集结点。允许玩家处理小规模叛乱或发动战争而不必召集所有征召兵。

- At game start, rulers now start with a decent amount of men at arms already hired, based on their income.Upon becoming landed, newly landed rulers will also receive men at arms.
- 在游戏开始时,统治者现将基于收入雇佣一定数量的武装兵士。成为有地统治者后的角色也会获得武装兵士。

- Dynamic garrisons for holdings have been introduced.Garrisons now have a max and min capacity.When a siege is won, the garrison is depleted and set to its min value.Each month, the current garrison reinforces until it reaches its max capacity.The reinforcement rate is improved by upgrading the holding.
- 实装地产的动态守军。守军现在有最大和最小容量。攻陷地产后会将守军缩减到最小容量。守军恢复至最大容量前每个月都会进行补员。升级地产可以提高补员速率。

- Unlocked the Monarch's Journey cosmetic items for all players (Hennin, Chaperon, Jester's Hat, Wizard's Beard, Miller, Miller Highlights, Jeanne d'Arc, Pageboy, and Mullet)
- 为所有玩家解锁“君主之旅Monarch's Journey”活动赠送的饰品(埃南高顶帽、夏普仑长管帽、弄臣帽、巫师胡、磨坊主发型、挑染磨坊主发型、贞德发型、侍童发型和鲻鱼头发型)。

- Jeanne d'Arc haircut will be used by some Frankish women
- 一些法兰克女性将使用贞德发型。

- Mullet haircut will be used by some Scottish men
- 一些苏格兰男人将梳有鲻鱼头。

- The Chaperon hat will be used by some Western mayors after 1300
- 1300年后,一些西欧民选市长将会戴夏普仑长管帽。

- The Hennin hat will be used by some Noble women after 1300
- 1300年后,一些贵族妇女将会戴埃南高顶帽。

- Added new Lifestyle events:
- 添加了新的生活方式事件:
o One for Learning: Scholarship
o 学识:学术生活重心新增一个事件
o One for Martial: Strategy
o 军事:战略生活重心新增一个事件
o An Event Chain for Martial: Authority
o 军事:权威生活重心新增一个事件链

- Added the Meet Peers activity for children.The activity allows them to forge relationships with other kids and maybe learn from unexpected situations.Explore a dozen new events for a more diverse childhood, allowing you to take control of your destiny.
- 给儿童添加了“会见同辈”活动。这项活动允许他们与其他孩子建立关系,并可能从各种意想不到的情况中学习成长。探索十几个新的事件,创造更加多样化的童年,让你掌控自己的命运。

- Some traits have access to new Interactions and Decisions:
- 一些特质可以触发新的互动和决议:
o Arbitrary: can remove a hook by paying prestige and gaining Tyranny
o 专断:可以通过花费威望和增加暴政度来解除牵制。
o Deceitful: can take a decision improving the ongoing hostile schemes if they are above the stress level 1
o 狡诈:如果压力等级超过1,他们可以采取决议加速正在进行的阴谋。
o Diligent: can take a decision that will increase the development of the Capital but increase their stress
o 勤勉:可以采取决议来增加首都发展度,但这样会增加角色的压力值。
o Forgiving: can consume a hook to lose stress and gain opinion
o 宽宏大量:可以消耗一个牵制来减轻压力并获得好感度。
o Impatient: can take a decision to immediately advance all their on going scheme if they are above the stress level 1
o 急躁:如果压力等级超过1,角色可以采取决议立即加速他们正在进行的计谋。
o Vengeful: can fabricate hooks on their rival without unlocking the perk.
o 睚眦必报:可以无需解锁技能就制造对手的牵制。
o Wrathful: can duel criminals to enforce the punishment.
o 暴怒:可以与罪犯决斗来执行惩罚。
o Irritable: can duel who they want if they are at the stress level 1 or above.It will generate dread and tyranny
o 烦躁:压力处于1级或以上时可以与任意角色决斗。这会增加恐怖值和暴政度。

# Balance
# 平衡

- You can now hire mercenaries of your culture from further away.It will allow Iceland to have access to mercenaries.
- 现在可以从更远的地方雇佣相同文化的雇佣兵。让冰岛有机会用雇佣兵。

- The Norman culture now has access to the Regional innovation from the Norse Culture from the start of the game
- 诺曼文化游戏开始时即可从诺斯文化中获得地域革新。

- Some traits were updated:
- 更新了一些特性:
o Ambitious: they now gain stress when signing a White Peace
o 野心勃勃:现在签署无条件和平时压力值会增大
o Arrogant: they now gain stress when signing a White Peace
o 傲慢:现在签署无条件和平时压力值会增大。
o Craven: added hostile scheme resistance and intrigue
o 怯懦:谋略属性增加,增加了对敌对密谋的抵抗力。
o Fickle: added +1 intrigue and increased diplomacy from 1 to 2
o 多变:添加谋略+1并将外交加成改为+2。
o Generous: loses stress when organizing activities and gifting money
o 慷慨:在举办活动和赠送礼金的时候会失去压力
o Gluttonous: they have a high chance to avoid being murdered if the Poison food method is chosen
o 暴食:如果用对食物下毒的方法来谋杀他们,他们有更高几率存活。
o Greedy: they have a weaker monthly income bonus but an increasing monthly income depending on their stress level
o 贪婪:月收入加成更低,但月收入会根据其压力水平而增加。
o Gregarious: they gain stress if they fail at swaying someone
o 合群:拉拢某人失败会增加压力。
o Honest: they can lose stress by exposing a secret
o 诚实:可以通过揭露一个秘密来减轻压力。
o Just: they can lose stress by exposing a secret
o 公正:他们可以通过揭露一个秘密来减轻压力。
o Lazy: they have a stronger stress loss bonus
o 懒惰:有更强的减轻压力加成。
o Shy: they do not suffer from stress when starting a personal scheme anymore.BUT they have a huge penalty on personal scheme power.
o 害羞:不再会在开始私人计谋时产生压力。但私人计谋力量有巨大惩罚。

- Overall faction dynamic has been updated:
- 整体派系动态节奏已更新:
o The power threshold is more dynamic: it will be decreased by other factions and their state.
o 派系军力阈值更加动态化:它会根据其他派系和他们的状态降低。
o There will be no factions created by AI Vassals in the first years of the game to give enough time to stabilize existing realms. 1 year for Dukes. 5 years for Kings. 10 years for Emperors.
o 在游戏的最初几年里,为了给玩家足够的时间来巩固现有领地,AI封臣不会创建派系。公爵有1年时间。国王有5年时间。皇帝有10年时间。
o Faith modifiers are more impactful for Zealous characters and weaker for Cynical
o 信仰修正对狂热的角色影响更大,对愤世嫉俗的角色则更弱。
o Intimidated characters will not be afraid of joining a faction above its power threshold
o 惧怕的角色不再害怕加入一个军力超过其阈值的派系。
o Terrified vassals have a small chance of joining a faction above its power threshold
o 畏惧的封臣加入军力超过其阈值的派系的几率很小。
o Characters with an opinion of 80+ will never join a faction
o 对君主好感度超过80的角色永远不会加入一个派系。

- Independence faction modifiers have been updated:
- 独立派系修正已更新:
o Characters will join a suitable Populist faction if they exist instead of creating a new Independence faction
o 角色会加入存在且合适的民粹主义派系,而非新建独立派系。
o Electors are less likely to join or create a faction
o 选举人更不可能加入或创建派系。
o Vassals that have more than 50% of their territory outside of the De Jure primary title will be more likely to join or create the faction. The bigger their realm size, the more likely they are.
o 治下领土有50%以上位于基础法理头衔之外的封臣更有可能加入或创建派系。领土越大可能性越高。
o Counts are less likely to join or create a faction
o 伯爵不太可能加入或创建派系。
o Kings are more likely to join or create a faction
o 国王更有可能加入或创建派系。
o Characters can be more motivated to join if one of their neighbour is in the faction
o 角色会更愿意加入有相邻领主参与的派系。

- Claimant faction modifiers have been updated
- 头衔宣称者派系修正已更新
o Powerful vassals are more likely to create Claimant factions if they have a negative opinion
o 强力封臣在好感为负时创建宣称者派系的可能性更高。
o Vassals with a different culture are more likely to join than before
o 文化不同的封臣加入宣称者派系的可能性更高。
o Vassals are less likely to create a Claimant if they are not a De Jure vassals. They will instead prefer to create an Independence faction
o 非法理所属的封臣会偏向创建独立派系而非宣称者派系。
o Characters are more likely to join a faction if the Claimant is their De Jure liege
o 角色更有可能加入其法理领主为宣称者的派系。
o Characters are more interested in Claimant faction concerning title above their and in their De Jure hierarchy
o 角色更倾向于涉及头衔高于或属于其法理体系的宣称者派系。

- Defeating or dealing with Scandinavian Adventurers now gives a temporary reprieve proportional to size, with smaller realms gaining a larger break whilst larger realms become valid targets again faster
- 击败或处理斯堪的纳维亚冒险者后会有一段对应国度规模的缓和期,小国时间较长,大国再次成为有效目标的时间更短。

- Embarkation costs can no longer be reduced more than 90%
- 登船耗费现在最多减少90%。

- Faiths with concubines no longer give Counts a prestige-penalty for not having them, and now only expect dukes to have 1 rather than 2
- 在可以纳妾的信仰中,伯爵不再会因未纳妾而损失威望;公爵仅需一位侍妾而非两位。

- Fire and Blood event now adds loot to your raid army, not directly to your treasury, and fires a little less often
- 烈火与鲜血事件现在会将战利品交给劫掠军而非进入国库,同时略微降低事件触发频率。

- Founding the Capital of the Rus now gives a more mild development level boost, as well as a reasonably hefty boost over time, rather than immediately catapulting you to Constantinople-levels
- 建立罗斯的首都现在提供适中的发展度加成,以及一个效果适当的渐进加成,而不至于出现一夜建成世界渴望之城。

- Increased the amount of money everyone starts the campaign with by 50%
- 所有人游戏开始时的金钱增加50%。

- Raiders no longer take attrition when raiding next to major rivers
- 劫掠者在主要河流邻接劫掠时不再遭受损耗。

- Scandinavian Adventurers now stagger their attacks through the year instead of ritually attacking on January 1st
- 现在斯堪的纳维亚冒险者全年都有可能发起进攻,而非固定于1月1日开拔。

- Scandinavian Adventurers will now stop so consistently starving to death at sea before they reach their target
- 斯堪的纳维亚冒险者不再会于抵达目的地前饿死在海上。

- Scandinavian Adventurers' event MaA are now inheritable
- 斯堪的纳维亚冒险者的事件兵士现在可以继承。

- The cost of mercenary and holy orders now slowly goes up based on the size of your realm
- 雇佣兵和骑士团的花费现在会随领国规模逐渐上涨。

- The cost of mercenary now increases with the tier of the primary title with each Era
- 雇佣兵花费现在会随着主头衔等级及时代变化增长。

- The Tribal government now gives a small amount of prestige each month. This helps avoid situations where new rulers have virtually no prestige gain
- 部落整体现在每个月会提供少量威望。以此缓解新统治者完全没有威望增长的问题。

- Upped the truce time on for raid-trade events from 5 years to 10
- 把劫掠还是贸易事件的和平条约时间从5年延长到10年。

- Stress is now lost when a Rival loses a title
- 现在宿敌失去头衔时会失去压力。

- Updated the stress impact of organizing a Grand Blot
- 增大了举行大血祭对压力的影响
o Greedy and Shy never lose stress and suffer a progressive stress impact depending on who is invited: the merrier, the bigger the stress impact.
o 贪婪和羞涩的角色不会失去压力,但会因受邀角色获得渐进压力影响,人数越多压力越大。
o Generous and Gregarious never loses stress and suffers a progressive stress impact depending on who is invited: the lesser, the bigger the stress impact.
o 慷慨和合群的角色不会失去压力,但会因受邀角色获得渐进压力影响,人数越少压力越大。

# AI

- Your children and grandchildren can now get married off by their liege if their liege is their parent or grandparent and is allowed to marry on their own
- 你的孩子和孙子现在可以由其领主安排婚事,前提是领主是其父母或者祖父母,且允许自由结婚。

- Added logic for transferring siege weapons from a subunit to the main subunit
- 新增逻辑允许将围城武器从某个次级单位转交主要次级单位。

- Added small bonus to current location when selecting a target province to avoid units switching places
- 在选择目标省份时为当前省份添加一个小加成,以免单位调换位置。

- All vassals are now able to declare war no matter how deep down in the vassal tree they are
- 现在不论其封建阶级高低,所有封臣都可以宣战。

- CB:s can now have a scripted score that is added to the hard-coded one
- 宣战借口新增脚本编写的权重,增加在硬编码里面。

- Changed CB base score to be title's Tier^3 instead of Tier^2
- 把宣战借口的基本权重从头衔等级的二次方改为头衔等级的三次方。

- Fixed opinion of self overtaking the base score of many CB:s
- 修复了好感度导致很多宣战借口的基本权重被自动超过的问题。

- Moved CB score multipliers to defines
- 把宣战借口权重乘数移到defines文件里。

- Subunit stacks will be more hesitant to split off siege weapons
- 堆叠次级单位会更不情愿于拆分攻城武器。

- The main subunit stack will never split off its best siege weapons
- 主要次级单位不会把最好的攻城武器拆分。

- The score of potential CB:s are no longer scaled with the strength of the target
- 潜在宣战借口的权重不再对标目标实力。

- Told the AI that it shouldn't be avoiding running into stronger enemies when it is explicitly trying to help out one of its own units dealing with stronger enemies
- 让AI了解,当在尝试协助已与更强的敌军交战的己方单位时,不要避免与强敌交战。

- Told the AI that just because it cannot fit its entire army in a single province, that doesn't mean it should stop resupplying
- 让AI了解,就算单个省份容不下整支军队,也不应该停止重新补给。

- Told the AI that just because its units are in a separate stack, that doesn't mean it shouldn't help out in a combat it is losing 2 provinces away
- 让AI了解,不能因军队拆成多个单位而不取支援两个省份外的劣势战斗。

- Told the AI to keep its stacks a bit smaller so that it has an easier time resupplying
- 让AI了解,减小堆叠数量能方便补给。

- Tweaked down de jure multipliers for scoring titles when evaluating CB:s
- 调低了AI在评估宣战借口权重时法理头衔的乘数。

- Units should ignore strait penalties and hostile attrition if helping another unit
- 单位在帮助友军时应该忽视海峡惩罚及敌对损耗。

- Units should ignore strait penalties if going into an ongoing combat
- 单位在加入正在进行的战斗时应该忽视海峡惩罚。

- Units with siege weapons will now try to relieve or help sieging units without siege weapons
- 带有攻城武器的单位现在会尝试帮助没有攻城武器的围城单位。

- Will be more hesitant pushing a claimant's CB over its own
- 降低AI为其他角色索取宣称借口的意愿。

- Will focus more on CB:s that target a title of a higher tier than its current primary title
- AI会偏好目标头衔高于当前主头衔等级的宣战借口。

- Will no longer push a claimant's CB if it targets a title the AI has a claim on
- 当AI自己对某个头衔有宣称时不再会为别人索取这个头衔。

- Will now hunt nearby enemy units even in hostile attrition territory if it deems it worthy
- 若结果值得,AI就算要进入敌对损耗领土也会攻击临近敌方单位.

- Willingness to attack a stronger target now scale the more wars the target is in
- AI攻击更强的倾向现在对标目标战争数量。

- Willingness to attack a stronger target now scale with attacker's boldness
- AI攻击较强目标的意愿现在对标进攻方的胆量。

- Lowered the odds of creating a Cadet Branch for Counts and Ruler serving a liege of the same Dynasty
- 降低了臣服于同宗族领主的伯爵与统治者创建支系的意愿。

- Feudal and clan rulers will not declare war to tribal rulers if they have Tribal holding to convert in their realms
- 封建和氏族制的统治者如果自己国内还有部落领地需要转换的话,就不会再宣战部落统治者了。

- Vassals’ Holy War will be declared only to direct neighbours to protect smaller realm from the Byzantine empire bigger realms
- 封臣只能对直接相邻的国家发起圣战,以防拜占庭治下较大领国吃光小国。

- Feudal and clan rulers will never start a Vassalization war of a tribal ruler.
- 封建和氏族制的统治者现在不会对部落统治者发动强制臣服战争。

- Kings and Emperors are less likely to accept Faction’s demand if they are not at war already.
- 降低国王和皇帝接受派系要求的倾向,除非已陷入战争。

# Interface
# 界面

- The Declare War window has been restructured to allow for a better comparison between the two side and ease the access to the Objectives attached to a casus belli
- 重做宣战窗口让两方对比更直观,且查看宣战借口对应的目标更简便。

- Fixed some historical characters changing hairstyle or beard upon death
- 修复了一些史实角色死亡时会改变发型或胡子的问题。

- Fixed the mass prisoner actions in some cases acting on far fewer characters than they should
- 修复了批量处理囚犯偶尔出现的实际处理人数少于应受处理人数的问题。

- Fixed the "Only X Faiths" checkbox in the Other Faiths list in the Faith window being inverted
- 修复了信仰窗口其他信仰列表中,“只显示某信仰”的复选框会颠倒的问题。

- Faction members do not hide the opinion of other faction members anymore
- 派系成员不再隐藏对其他同派系成员的好感。

= Fixed Send Poem sometimes saying it has 0% chance of success when it actually has 1% chance
- 修复了送递诗歌有时候成功率为1%但显示成0%的问题。

- If someone is your ally in a war and your enemy at the same time, they now show as your enemy since walking into them will cause combat. This does not solve the underlying issue of conflicting wars being possible in rare cases
- 如果某人在一场战争中为盟友,但在另一场战争中为敌,则现在会将其显示成敌人。部队相遇会导致交战。但这并未解决特定情况下战争冲突的根本问题。

- Fixed typing something into the newborn naming box that matches a localization key causing the text in the box to be replaced with that localization. E.G., in German typing "He" would get replaced with "Er"
- 修复了在给新生儿起名时,在框中输入与本地化文本键值一致的内容会变成对应本地化文本。比如德语游戏中输入“He”会被变成“Er”。

- Added missing tooltip when taking a concubine for the chance of children
- 补上了为生育而纳妾时缺失的提示框。

- All former spouses are now shown in the character window, not just those that are former due to death
- 所有的前配偶都会显示在角色窗口里,而不仅仅显示因为死亡而导致婚姻中止的前配偶。

- Fixed a bug where a vassal player would not be correctly warned when their own vassals' counties had formed a populist faction against their liege
- 修复了当封臣玩家手下的封臣的省份组建反抗其领主的民粹派系时,玩家不会得到正确警告的bug。

- Fixed an issue that could cause numerous duplicate interaction notifications to appear
- 修复了一个可能导致反复出现多个互动通知的bug

- Fixed unlocked innovations in some cases being hidden due to being impossible to get if you didn't already have them. This could for instance happen to Longships when creating Norman culture
- 修复了特定情况下未获得的革新因无法获取而被隐藏的问题。例如创造诺曼文化时长船会被隐藏。

- Fixed sidebar clipping with open windows
- 修正了侧边栏和打开的窗口冲突的问题。

- Fixed marriages in some cases giving you a notification about the other party's arranger (E.G., their court owner) getting married, rather than about the alliance formed by the marriage
- 修正了某些情况下角色结婚时,通知中显示的是对方的婚姻安排人(比如其领主)结婚,而非关于婚姻结成的联盟。

- Fixed the prestige breakdown incorrectly claiming that army cost modifiers apply to army prestige cost. E.G., the breakdown would say "Tribal: -50%" despite the prestige cost of armies being unaffected
- 修正了威望详情错误地提醒军队建造花费修正同样作用于其威望花费。比如详情中会描述“部落制:-50%”,但军队威望花费并未受影响。

# Game Content
# 游戏内容

- Defenders of Rod now require a Holy Site without an existing special building
- 罗德守护者现在需要拥有一块没有特殊建筑存在的圣地。

- Game Over loc will now mention any big empire/kingdom you've formed/reformed/unified through the existing big decisions
- 游戏结束结算界面中会显示你以现有重要决议成立、改革或统一的大型帝国和王国。

- Beating a significant amount of landless Scandinavian Adventurers now rewards unique nicknames
- 击败大量无地斯堪的纳维亚探险者后将会奖励你新的独特昵称。

- Challenging your Ruler for their title now uses the SCE
- 宣称领主的头衔现在会使用SCE机制。

- Courtiers who carry a rotting trophy now give off an off-putting smell
- 持有腐烂的战利品的廷臣会发散出令人厌恶的气味。

- Having a trading ceasefire with a former raid target will now occasionally give both parties access to recruitable notable immigrants
- 若与一个劫掠对象有贸易和约,现在双方都有可能获得可招募的重要移民。

- Poet trait now has a runestone memorialization
- 诗人特质现在有对应符文石纪念选项。

- Raised Voices at the Ting Meet event now has several issues, rather than literally always being the same squabble
- 庭会之争事件现在会有各类议题,而非每次相同的争论。

- Scandinavian Adventurers may now be paid off or given land preemptively rather than always needing to be fought to the end
- 斯堪的纳维亚冒险者可以通过花钱或提前提供领地打发走,不再要求玩家抗击到底。

- Winter commanders can now auto-win at competitive skiing
- 拥有冬将军特质的指挥官现在会在竞技滑雪事件中自动胜出。

- Harsh Winter now has a concept in the encyclopedia
- 在游戏百科中更新了严冬词条。

- You can now pay for a runestone your child defaced yourself, though they'll take the lesson to heart
- 你现在可以花钱购买你的子孙刻画你的符文石,但他们会把这种教训铭记于心。

- Dynast can now enforce a divorce or ask a divorce for any member of their Dynasty within their Realm
- 家主现在可以要求离婚,或者是要求其家族中在家主领国内的任何成员离婚。

- Adding new piety icons for Zoroastrianism and Judaism
- 给祆教和犹太教增加了新的虔诚值图标。

- Added a follow-up event to a Stewardship: Wealth Lifestyle event which had empty options
- 给管理:财富的生活方式的一个事件链增加了后续事件,此前这个事件只有空的选项。

- Olympus replaces Sparta as a Holy Site for Hellenism
- 奥林匹斯取代斯巴达成为希腊多神教的圣地。

- Added some extra events around raiders forming a trade relationship with their potential-victims
- 给劫掠者和其潜在目标构建贸易关系增加了些额外的事件。

# User Modding
# 用户模组

# Deprecations
# 删减

- GetDummyMale and GetDummyFemale are now deprecated. Modifying them in script is no longer possible. Their use-cases have been replaced with GetGlobalVariable and GetGlobalList. They will be removed completely in 1.5 to ensure script and code that is more maintainable in the long-term.
- GetDummyMale 和 GetDummyFemale已经被删去。在脚本中修改他们已经不再可行。它们的功能已经被GetGlobalVariable和GetGlobalList所替代。它们会在1.5版本中被完全删除以方便代码和脚本的长期维护

# Changes
# 改动

- Add CloseGameView data function so mods can close specific in game views.
- 新增CloseGameView数据功能,从而允许玩家在游戏界面内关闭想要关闭的模组。

- Add garrison_reinforcement_factor. The param is used for set how fast current garrison size is increasing
- 新增garrison_reinforcement_factor以设定当前守军规模的增长速度。

- Add GetTraitFromGroup and GetTraitGroupLevel data functions on Character.
- 给角色新增GetTraitFromGroup 和 GetTraitGroupLevel数据功能。

- Add GetTraitGroup( 'tag' ) and Trait.GetGroup data functions to get trait groups.
- 给特性组新增GetTraitGroup( 'tag' ) 和 Trait.GetGroup数据功能。

- Add HasTrait and HasTraitFromGroup data functions to Character.
- 给角色新增HasTrait 和 HasTraitFromGroup数据功能。

- Add GetGlobalVariable and GetGlobalList data functions for getting data saved from script.
- 新增GetGlobalVariable 和GetGlobalList数据功能。

- Add MakeScopeValue, MakescopeFlag, and MakeScopeBool to create scope objects out of primitive types directly since they are not automatically creatable via the MakeScope member on complex types like Character.MakeScope.
- 新增MakeScopeValue, MakescopeFlag, 和 MakeScopeBool以直接从原始类别中创造作用域对象,因为它们并不会自动通过在复杂类型,例如Character.MakeScope 中的MakeScope功能自动创建。

- Add ScriptValue data function to scope objects which will evaluate a script value just with that scope object as root.
- 给作用域对象新增ScriptValue数据功能以分析只以该作用域对象为根的脚本数据。

- Made the Localize data function allow the key it references to also call other data functions in it like SelectLocalization does.
- 让本地化的数据功能允许其指代的关键词直接同其类别内其他数据功能相关联,类比SelectLocalization。

- Add AddList data function for GuiScope, it is to add_to_list what AddScope is to save_scope_as.
- 给GuiScope 功能新增AddList 数据功能,其对add_to_list的作用如同AddScope对save_scope_as的效果。

- Added data functions GetTraitsWithFlag and GetTraitsWithoutFlag
- 新增数据功能GetTraitsWithFlag 和 GetTraitsWithoutFlag。

- Added datamodel GetTraits on TraitGroup
- 给TraitGroup新增数据模型GetTraits。

- Added defines NMercenary::REALM_SIZE_MULT and NHolyOrder::REALM_SIZE_MULT
- 新增定义 NMercenary::REALM_SIZE_MULT 和NHolyOrder::REALM_SIZE_MULT。

- Added effect deactivate_holy_site
- 新增效果deactivate_holy_site。

- Added effect remove_dynasty_perk
- 新增效果remove_dynasty_perk。

- Added effect remove_innovation = innovation_key
- 新增效果remove_innovation = innovation_key。

- Added effect set_army_location
- 新增效果set_army_location。

- Added effects clear_traits and copy_traits
- 新增效果clear_traits and copy_traits。

- Added effects set_age and change_age
- 新增效果set_age 和change_age。

- Added list builder x_culture_global
- 新增列表构建x_culture_global。

- Added modifiers army_siege_value_mult, army_damage_mult, army_toughness_mult, army_pursuit_mult, and army_screen_mult
- 新增修正army_siege_value_mult, army_damage_mult, army_toughness_mult, army_pursuit_mult, and army_screen_mult。

- Added trigger has_innovation_flag
- 新增触发器has_innovation_flag。

- Added trigger perks_in_<lifestyle>, to query how many perks exist in a given lifestyle (rather than how many a specific character has)
- 新增触发器perks_in_<lifestyle>,以获得在特定生活方式的技能数量(而不是某角色已获取的技能数量)。

- Building_garrison was renamed to building_max_garrison
- Building_garrison被重命名为building_max_garrison。

- CBs now support the "icon" parameter to have them use a different icon key
- 宣战借口现在支持“icon”数据使用不同的图标关键字。

- Character interactions now support the "icon" parameter to have them use a different icon key
- 角色互动现在支持“icon”数据使用不同的图标关键字。

- Create_betrothal now logs an error rather than silently failing when something's wrong
- Create_betrothal功能在出错时会记录错误而不是默默出错。

- Ensured that laws are always stored in database order, so that it is predictable how they will override one another
- 确保封建法律会固定以数据库顺序存储,以便让覆写可以预测。

- Fixed replace_path in mod descriptors having no effect
- 修正了mod描述符中replace_path无效的问题。

- Fixed hot-reload for linux
- 修正了linux系统热重启的问题。

- Make_concubine now supports same-sex concubinage
- Make_concubine功能现在将支持同性纳妾。

- Rename garrison param to max_garrison for building configs
- 将驻建配置中的筑军数据重命名为max_garrison。

- Spawn_army will now only spawn levies if scripted to do so
- Spawn_army功能现在若脚本编码如此编写,则只会生成征召兵。

- The assign_council_task effect now properly errors when the old councillor cannot be fired, rather than just silently doing nothing
- assign_council_task 效果会在旧内阁成员无法被辞退时报错,而不是沉默不动。

# Bugfixes
# 修复漏洞

- Populist factions can no longer usurp a player's primary title if it is their only title of their tier
- 如果玩家除了其主头衔外再没有第二个与之同级别的头衔,民粹派系便不能再篡夺玩家的主头衔。

- Fixed spiritual head succession not always properly applying, leading to the spiritual head of faith passing on to temporal rulers. In rare cases that could lead to the player game-overing on death as a result of having inherited the head of faith title
- 修正了属灵信仰领袖继承并不是一直正确应用导致导致属灵信仰领袖继承给世俗统治者。罕见情况下可能导致玩家在角色死亡时,因其继承了信仰领袖头衔而结束游戏。

- Removed occurrence of game over despite having a heir
- 移除了在有继承人的情况下仍然判定游戏结束的问题。

- Theocratic rulers will keep their government after converting to a faith with the Theocratic doctrine
- 神权制统治者在皈依有“神权”教义的信仰后仍会保留其政体。

- The “Return Roma” decision now always return it to the Pope
- 决议“归还罗马”现在固定将罗马归还给教宗。

- Elective heir from Primary title sets only for the title and doesn't affect others. Succession is tied to each title individually, so that changing succession in one doesn't affect other titles.
- 主头衔的候选继承人只绑定于主头衔而不会影响其他头衔。继承只关乎单个头衔,所以改变一个头衔的继承并不会影响其他头衔。

- Fix a bug when temple holdings get disabled randomly
- 修正了神殿地产随机被禁用的问题。

- Fix an issue where on the MS Store/Gamepass version on some systems the launcher would get stuck during startup and never show up
- 修正了微软商城/Gamepass版本的游戏在某些系统上运行时,启动器会在启动时卡住且不出现的问题。

- Fix random crash/freeze when accessing the military view
- 修正了在检视军事概况时游戏随机崩溃/卡死的错误。

- Fixed a rare case where the game would completely freeze
- 修正了一个极其罕见,会导致游戏完全卡住的问题。

- Fixed AI being able to declare war directly on someone else's vassal
- 修正了AI可以直接对其他人的附庸宣战的问题。

- Fixed an issue that causes unavailable culture innovation can be chosen
- 修正了一个会导致能够选取不可用文化创新的问题。

- Fixed hiring a holy order charging you piety in cases where the interface tells you it will be free
- 修正了雇佣骑士团时,提醒界面中显示免费但实际却扣除了虔诚度的问题。

- Fixed the Straight Medium Beard and Straight Pointy Beard missing from the Barbershop
- 修正了中长直胡子和直尖胡从发型库中丢失的bug。

- Forbid a Scandinavian Adventurer to start a war against someone if they have a Truce with one of their Liege
- 禁止斯堪的纳维亚冒险者对有停战协议领主的封臣宣战。

- Potentially fixed a way you could get booted into observe mode upon succession rather than getting to play as your heir
- 可能修正了一个会导致继承时卡在旁观模式而非继续扮演继承人的问题。

- Scandinavian Adventurers now receive a loan to ensure they don't start out in debt
- 斯堪的纳维亚冒险者现在会获得贷款以确保不会开局就破产。

- Securing the High Kingdom of the North Sea now requires *you* to hold the relevant kingdom titles, not just any randomer
- 巩固北海至高王国决议现在要求“你”拥有所有相关的王国头衔,而非随便哪个人都行。

- Spouses of rulers will now once again wear clothes based on their spouse's culture
- 统治者的配偶会重新根据其配偶的文化着装。

- The Make Shieldmaiden interaction now correctly checks for Content and Humble traits.
- 招募盾女功能现在会正确检测安于现状和谦逊特质。

- Updated the localization to better explain why the "different faith" modifier is applied in the context of a Marriage acceptance
- 更新了本地化文件以更好解释为什么“不同信仰”修正应用于婚姻接受度。

- Lingering Resentment event is not triggered anymore if the kid do not have a crush
- 若孩子没有中意之人则不再会触发绵长之怨事件。

- Bubonic plague will now only occur after 1346
- 黑死病只会在1346年后出现。

- Liege-less children can be recruited
- 可以招募没有领主的儿童。

- Fixed eye skinning issue in males and females models
- 修复了男性和女性模型中的眼睛皮肤问题。

- First of the Crusader Kings achievement is now properly tagged as impossible after the first Crusade started
- “十字军首王”成就在第一次十字军东征开始后会正确地标记为不可能完成。

- Removed the list of Crusade and Jihad participants on the left-hand side of the Declare War window
- 移除了宣战窗口左侧的十字军和吉哈德参与者名单。

- Fixed a typo in the Danevirke description
- 修正了丹麦边墙描述中的错别字。

- Remove incorrect Courtier Left message when inviting a courtier
- 移除在邀请一位廷臣时,不正确的廷臣离开信息。

- Fixed a case where your concubine would go to another court due to someone in their close family getting landed
- 修复了侍妾会因为她的某位近亲获封领地而进入另一个宫廷的问题。

- Character selection list filters player is not get correctly
- 角色选择筛选器中的玩家将不再能被选择。

- Concubines can always be dismissed, even when they are out of the diplomatic range
- 侍妾随时可以遣散,即便她们不在外交范围内。

- Corrected color code used by some icons to match the correct level color code
- 纠正了一些图标使用的颜色代码,以匹配正确的级别颜色代码。

- Varangian Adventurer will stop having new lovers appearing randomly
- 瓦兰吉亚冒险家不再会随机生成情人。

- Domestic affairs task do not display the loss of crown authority as a potential negative side effect
- 内政任务不再显示丧失王室权威这一潜在负面效果。

- Fixed a typo in the Hunter’s Stable description
- 修正了猎人马厩描述中的错别字。

- Fixed a typo in Malcolm’s name in the Fate of England bookmark description
- 修正了“英格兰的命运”剧本描述中Malcolm名字里的错别字。

- Partners will now be less likely to cheat when they have high opinion
- 好感较高的配偶出轨概率更低。

- The rightful liege condition now is verify the whole hierarchy instead just the n+1 title only
- 现在判定是否法理领主需要检定整个法理层级而非仅检定n+1的头衔。

- Added additional checks to make sure all needed scopes exists before generating tooltip about funding holy order
- 增加了额外的检定,以确保所有必要的条件都满足后再生成赞助骑士团的提示。

- Arabic High Nobility will now use the Scholar's Turban and Caliphs will use the Caliphal Robes
- 阿拉伯高级贵族现在将戴上学者头巾,而哈里发们会穿好哈里发长袍。

- Corrected a trigger incongruity that stopped Adventure and Pillage dynasty legacies being unlocked by valid non-Norse characters (e.g., Swedes, Estonians, etc.)
- 修正了一个触发判定与显示不一致的问题,该问题使冒险和掠夺的宗族传承被有效非诺斯角色所解锁。(例如瑞典人、爱沙尼亚人等等)。

- Corrected your opponent's weapon teleporting into your hand if they concentrated hard enough during a bout
- 修正了对手在决斗中用力集中时,武器会传送到你手中的问题)。

- Event wars are now counted for the purposes of raising runestones
- 事件战争现在被计入“立起符文石”决议的目标。

- Exiling a character as a nithing now causes them to hate you, not themselves
- 现在把一个角色驱逐为猥人会导致他们恨你而非自己。

- Fix console window being invisible on some startups on Linux and macOS (even in debug mode)

- Fixed hiring new courtiers in a holy order always belong to that holy's order faith
- 修正从骑士团中雇佣廷臣时,新廷臣仍然信仰骑士团所信宗教的问题。

- Fixed map flashing on macOS when zooming between the terrain map and the flat map while advanced shader effects were enabled
- 修正了macOS在启用高级着色器效果时,如果在地形图和平面图之间切换会造成地图闪烁的问题。

- Fixed the End of an Era achievement not unlocking; now unlocks a month before the end date
- 修正了“一个时代的终结”成就无法解锁的问题;该成就将在结束日期前一个月解锁。

- Fixing the issue with "Promote Culture finished" task not displaying what county was converted.
- 修复了“推广文化”任务完成后不显示哪些伯爵领被转换的问题。

- Fixed inconsistent month formatting in Simplified Chinese localization
- 修正了简体中文版本中月份格式不统一的问题。

- Gift-Givers legacy now has a tooltip explaining that it makes you more likely to get trade-raid events
- 送礼达人传承产现在增加了提示文本,提示该修正将使你更有可能触发劫掠或贸易事件。

- If an unlanded character is used in a Conversion event, they will wear the proper religious clothes
- 如果皈依事件中使用无领地的角色,则会让他们穿上合适的宗教服装。

- Landless Scandinavian Adventurers now correctly usurp duchies & may raise conquest runestones
- 无地的斯堪的纳维亚冒险家现在可以正确地篡夺公国,并可以立起征服符文石。

- The 'Spindly' Trait will not make people's limbs too thin anymore
- “纺锤身形”特质现在不会让人们的四肢过于细瘦。

- The AI is now rewarded for fighting well/cunningly in duels even if the player isn't involved
- 现在即使决斗不牵扯玩家,AI也会因战斗力强/狡猾而获得奖励。

- The control rebate received when winning a Varangian Adventure now has a tooltip
- 赢得瓦兰吉冒险时收到的控制反馈现在有了提示文本。

- Upped the likelihood for the Grandmaster of the Jomsvikings to rip their shirt off and come at you for your impiety & assorted faults
- 提高了约姆斯维京战团长因你心不虔诚及种种罪过来讨伐你的可能性。

- Upped the likelihood of the Jomsvikings to harass anyone who isn't an unreformed Norse pagan
- 提高了约姆斯维京骚扰任何非未改革北欧多神教信徒的可能性。

- The Mellow Spirit now applies opinion to parents instead of the liege
- 心智稳健现在应用于父母而非领主的好感。

- When revoking a title, the acceptance modifier from the military strength is clamped to +20
- 当剥夺一个头衔时,来自军事实力的接受度修正被固定为+20。

- Stopped adding a weak hook on top of a weak hook if the expiration date is the same.
- 停止过期日期相同的弱牵制上再加弱牵制的叠加。

- Vassals under the de facto claimed title holder in a war are transferred even if the holder is not the top liege.
- 即使以实际拥有篡夺头衔的所有者不是最高领主,其下属的封臣也会转封。

- Children cannot fight the Troll anymore, and thus cannot become Wolf / Moose / Lynx / Bear / Wolverine-Slayers
- 孩子们不再可以与巨魔作战,也因此不能成为屠狼者/驼鹿杀手/猞猁克星/斩熊者/狼獾杀手。

- Armies won’t suffer from the starving penalty when the army is not using supplies
- 当军队不使用补给时不会遭受饥饿惩罚。

- The Logistician traits now affect supply duration at sea and in friendly territories
- “后勤专家”特质现在将影响在海上和在友方领土上的补给可用时间。

- The winter supply modifiers do not subtract bonus from “in friendly territory” anymore
- 冬季补给修正不再减去“位于友方领土”的加成。

- Tutorial texts have been updated to reflect the map update
- 更新教程文本更新以适配地图升级。

- The “I need to know” event will not be spammed anymore when a character has a lot of lovers
- 一个拥有很多情人的角色不再会频繁出发 “我得知道!”事件。

- The countdown timer for council tasks are now properly updated
- 内阁任务的倒计时器现在得到了妥当更新。

- A Life to Remember refers to the right character’s relationship with the deceased.
- “慎终追远”会引申至正确的角色与死者的关系。

- When trying to join a private server, password are not displayed in clear anymore
- 当试图加入一个私人服务器时,密码不再以明码显示。

- La Cerda cadet branch localisation has been repaired
- 修复了拉塞尔达家族支系的本地化。

- Participants of a civil war can now all be punished without incurring Tyranny
- 现在所有内战的参与者都可以治罪,且不会增加暴政值。
o In case of white peace, they can only be imprisoned and their titles revoked
o 在无条件的情况下只能将其囚禁或剥夺头衔。
o In case of them being defeated, they can also be banished or executed
o 将其击败时可以放逐或处死反叛者。

- The Temple tooltip now tells Rulers with a Theocratic Doctrine that they will be leased to the Realm Priest after the construction.
- 神殿提示现在会告知信仰有神权教义的统治者,在神殿修建完成后会租赁给领国教士。

###### Patchnotes End ######

Otherwise, in addition to all the changes already covered in the previous Dev Diaries, here are some highlights:


Faction behavior


Whoever said the life of a medieval ruler was only an infinite series of conquests? Maintaining good relations with the key Vassals and the integrity of the realm is an intricate diplomatic dance. Azure introduces changes in the faction behavior to make it more realistic and more impactful on the ruler experience. We look forward to hearing back from you and collecting your feedback on the new behavior! Our intention is to focus the CK3 experience on the complex life of a medieval ruler - full of political dilemmas - beyond painting the map.


Bug fixing


You have spoken and we are always listening! Much focus was put on fixing issues reported in the forum, so please continue helping us by posting about bugs and reacting to the ones that matter the most to you, it helps us prioritize them for fixing.


MP open beta


We are planning to roll out an updated multiplayer Open Beta on Steam soon after today's release. The open beta will have the same functionality as Azure but will include network stability improvements that we need your support on testing. You can find more information in the dedicated open beta subforum. We want to thank you all for your continued support and please keep on sending us your very useful feedback.


In the coming weeks we'll continue sharing more details about the Royal Court as it progresses and grows into the graphically rich expansion we are preparing for you.

在未来几周内,我们将继续随皇家宫廷Royal Court的开发进展分享更多有关细节,让它能成为各位玩家喜加一的丰富视觉内容拓展。

Until then enjoy an Azure summer (or winter if you're in that part of the world) :cool:




翻译:索 一个幽灵 Raymond 识大体的林登万将军

校对:阿尔法一世 zzztotoso




编辑于 2021-06-20 21:04