十字军之王3开发日志#100 | 6/7 皇家旅程

十字军之王3开发日志#100 | 6/7 皇家旅程

牧游社 牧有汉化翻译

CK3 Dev Diary #100: A Royal Journey

rageair, Design




Fate of Iberia was released just last week, and we hope you're all enjoying shaping the peninsula according to your own ideas and ideals! Are you dominating it by force, or trying to reconcile the inhabitants' differences? Have any of you encountered the elusive wandering monk yet?

上个礼拜,伊比利亚的命运Fate of Iberia刚刚发布,我们希望大家能够享受按照自己的理念和理想塑造半岛的体验!各位是以武力统御半岛,还是尝试着去调和民众之间的不同?有没有人遇见过那个见首不见尾的流浪僧人?

Anyhow, we're hard at work with the 1.6.1 update, where we're tweaking some balance, fixing issues found by you in the community, and also adding in a few new goodies (more on that below). We're also working on a fix for those of you who can't start the game (the AVX issue), which will come out before the full 1.6.1 update. Remember to pop by the bug forums if you have a problem: it's the best way to make sure we know about your game issues!


With Fate of Iberia in your hands, we've now concluded the Royal Edition, and we're overjoyed to see so many of you playing and enjoying the game. Please, keep sending us great feedback, we appreciate it a lot - your thoughts are very valuable to us!

有了伊比利亚的命运Fate of Iberia之后,皇家版季票就结束了。看到这么多玩家能享受我们的游戏,我们真是太高兴辣。请继续给我们反馈,我们十分需要——你们的想法对我们十分珍贵!

We are now setting our eyes on the future. We have many plans, both big and small - I cannot go into detail as it's too early yet, but rest assured that we have many exciting things coming up! We're taking a long, hard look at what we've done and achieved since the release of CK3; we're evaluating, adjusting, and setting a course that we're sure will be to your liking!


Now, to round this Dev Diary off, we'd like to tease some new content coming along with the 1.6.1 update:


For owners of Fate of Iberia, we're adding a few religiously-flavored events about Sephardic Jews, Conversos, the direction of mosques, and so on - with interesting choices on how to handle various situations. Here's one example (don't want to spoil them all!)

对于拥有伊比利亚的命运Fate of Iberia的玩家,我们新加了几个带有宗教特色的事件,关于西班牙犹太人、皈依派、清真寺的方向等等——这些事件都有着有趣的选择,决定该如何处理各种各样的情况。这里有一个例子(我不想剧透太多!)。

今天,阿格拉蒙特的Wali Mas'ud前来找我,他指出最近改建的一座清真寺所朝的方向不对!
阿格拉蒙特的Wali Mas’ud认为,这样一来是无法敬拜真主的,希望我们可以出一些资金,将整座建筑转向正确的方向。
- 为了信仰,付出一切!
- 你在浪费我的时间。

Outside of Hispania, but still in the vicinity, we're doing a small update to the Canary Islands, who will, among other things, receive their own pagan faith and some monolithic ambitions.


We're adjusting how feudalization works in the West African sphere, enabling rulers to transition out of the tribal government while retaining their native faiths without requiring them to reform those faiths. This is to better model methods of urbanization and centralization in West Africa, though they will also retain access to the old path too.


That's it for this time, cheers for now!







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发布于 2022-06-14 10:50