TNO更新日志#6 |死亡与纳税

TNO更新日志#6 |死亡与纳税

Development Update VI: Death & Taxes

TNO更新日志6: 死亡与纳税

Hey guys, NuclearWaffles and Kracc here for a development update! Yes, we have a real progress report! You may (or may not) remember us from the brief Societal Development update tacked on to the end of the US diary, and if you’ve read it, you might have a pretty good idea of what’s coming up next in this update. That’s right, it’s time for more mechanics development! Yay! [cue confetti]

嘿伙计们, NuclearWaffles与Kracc来为大家奉上新一期的更新日志啦!是的,我们有了一篇干货慢慢的日志!你们也许记得(也可能并不记得)我们曾经在美国日志最后的社会发展更新部分简短的亮相,如果你读过那篇日志的话,就一定能够十分清晰地理解这篇更新日志接下来的内容了。是的,是时候看看更多的新机制了!耶![抛出彩带]

I’m sure almost everyone agrees that one of the most problematic mechanics in HOI4 right now is how civilian and military industries work, and specifically how they grow/are maintained. Once you build a military or civilian factory, they essentially require no upkeep whatsoever--no oil, no steel, no nothing. Yes, they contribute to total factory count when it comes to calculating consumer goods, but that’s an obstacle easily overcome with stacking modifiers or just outbuilding the penalties.


Part of this issue stems from the fact that money (and basic economics) are not represented at all in HOI4. That may work just fine for a 5-6 year run, but for a mod such as TNO with a 20-year time span, it simply won’t do, especially for a Cold War-esque setting.


So, we simply revamped the entire system


Your country now has a responsibility to balance its budget (among other things). Before we go any further, I’d like to mention that we’ve debated for a long time whether we want an abstract “money” number ala DH or HOI3 or go with real-life monetary amounts, and ultimately settled on the latter. We also decided to use 1960 OTL USD for all figures, and keep it consistent with time (i.e. not modeling inflation) for several reasons.


USD is the most consistent currency in both TNO and OTL when it comes to measuring value--there’s a reason everybody pegs their fiat currencies to USD It’s much easier to develop with real figures rather than some abstract money variable Inflation, while a cool mechanic, is ultimately a lot of feature bloat for little depth gain fuck you i’m not going to try converting every currency back and forth


This screen might be a little intimidating just to stare at, so let’s walk through this thing section by section.



Your GDP, or Gross Domestic Product, represents the total value of goods and services produced, given, or otherwise used in your nation within 1 calendar year. To put it simply, it’s how “big” your economy is. It grows at a certain rate based on economic health indicators, though that’s simply abstracted as a single variable that changes as an effect in TNO.


It’s important to note that your GDP isn’t the amount of money you can just up and spend every year. You can’t just take control of every single cent of money in your country’s economy and use it for whatever you want (regardless of how hard you try, Goering/NPP-L/other people with REALLY GOOD IDEAS).


Which brings us to:




In order to actually make use of your GDP, you need to tax your people in order to gain money to build things like schools and roads. Or guns and tanks, if you’d prefer. The Annual Income Rate is the proportion of your GDP that you can use for government spending, and it is determined by your tax laws.



There’s also Other Income, which represents all other regular sources of income, such as trade deals, war reparations, or any things that aren’t taxes.


So, what exactly can you spend your hard-earned money on?




A lot of things, actually. And many of those things are not optional.


Spending is broken down into 4 different categories: Civilian, Military, Construction & Trade, and Other.


Civilian spending represents the money your government puts towards domestic improvement programs and welfare, such as pensions, healthcare, education, police, and so on. Really, it’s anything that doesn’t involve shooting at other people. Er, the people of other nations. Notice how spending is proportional to your GDP: it ensures that even small nations can implement expensive policies if they have the capital, and that big nations won’t have such an easy time implementing them.



Military spending is for all the guns, bullets, tanks, planes, sun guns, or other weapons your country needs to destroy its enemies. It’s further broken down into three subcategories: Personel (you can’t just have soldiers run on sheer willpower and grit ), Production (turns out, guns cost money), and Nuclear Arsenal (turns out, bigger guns cost bigger money). With this, large militaries will now be difficult to maintain without the proper financial and industrial base, and downsizing after a large war actually has some benefits!



Construction & Trade spending represents the funding your country’s government puts towards national construction projects and foreign resource trade. All civilian factories are now, by default, unavailable for use unless you spend money to do so. For each 5% of your GDP you spend on construction, 10% of your civilian factories are freed up for use, with the cost modified by laws. To prevent any exploiting of monthly calculations, changing the law costs 50pp per level.



A note on trade: unfortunately, our experience with the trade system has been that the civilian factory costs are hardcoded, meaning that while we can add a variable cost to trade deals, we can’t remove the civilian factory costs, and so we decided to roll the construction and trade budgets together and simply make the best of the situation. This way, trade is still linked to the new economic system, if somewhat indirectly.


Finally, Other spending is simply the expenditure version of Other Income, a catch-all for all other running costs. Examples include programs added by focus, maintaining the Gibraltar dam, and modernization programs.


All these expenditures tie very nicely into the laws system, where, as you may have noticed above, certain laws now modify spending or income.


Whew! That’s a lot of things to spend money on! So, what exactly happens if you run over budget?




Fortunately, debt on a national level works a little differently than it does on smaller scales. There’s nothing shameful or inherently negative about going into debt as a nation--as a matter of fact, most nations in TNO at game start are in debt.


If your nation ever starts running a deficit (which will be quite often), it’ll start borrowing from other nations, their own citizens, public & private banks, or a combination of all 3. This process is all abstracted and consolidated into a singular National Debt value to prevent excessive complexity.


As an added bonus, running a deficit actually provides your GDP a small growth bonus, simulating the increased flow of goods and currency in the economy. So deficit spending can actually have a lot of benefits for most economies, assuming you know what you’re doing. If this paragraph offends you, please let me know so I can ban you for not being a Keynesian. If this paragraph really offends you, then you’re probably an Austrian School economist and should seriously rethink your life choices.


Anyway, that sounds really great! What’s the catch?


This debt isn’t interest free. Every month, your nation must pay a certain percentage of interest on that debt, as determined by the Interest Rates: another general abstraction that represents how investor confidence in the stability of your nation’s economy and how many returns they’re willing to give up in exchange for the stability of their investment--in short, how willing investors are to take your nation “on its word”.

这种债务不是无息的。每个月,你的国家必须支付一定比例的利息债务,这是由利率决定的:另一个抽象的值代表着投资者对于你的国家经济的稳定状况的信心,以及他们愿意放弃多少回报来换取投资的稳定——简而言之, 投资者有多愿意相信你们国家的“承诺”。




Now, up to this point, the economy may seem like something that just… happens. Something that you don’t have any control over, just designed to screw you over. Well, don’t worry, because you can


c l i c k b u t t o n s

点 按 钮

点 按 钮

And I know how much you HOI4 players love clicking buttons.


The military, civilian, and construction budget buttons should all be fairly self explanatory. They provide either temporary buffs/maluses in exchange for spending modifiers in the case of military & civilian budgets, or permanent spending changes in the case of the construction budget.



The liquid reserve buttons, along with the reserve itself, deserve a little more explanation. Your country’s Liquid Reserve represents the total amount of cash/gold/MEFO bills/cocaine/shovels/other forms of currency your nation has on-hand. For the most part, it’s mutually exclusive with National Debt, as any budget surplus will first go towards repaying your debt before flowing into your coffers. It’s possible, however, to gain reserves from various focus, event, or decision effects.


Now, onto the buttons. The first button will use your reserve as an economic stimulus, growing your GDP at a ratio of 1$ for every 3$ invested, while the second button will immediately put all of your current reserves towards paying off your national debt, which can be very handy when it comes to crises like





Remember how I said debt is okay earlier? Well, it’s only okay up to a certain extent. All those banks lending you money and all those citizens buying bonds are going to expect some returns on their investment. If the debt suddenly shoots up, or the GDP crashes overnight, or interest rates skyrocket because of some external factor, what seemed like manageable debt might suddenly take up your entire budget. You need to make your minimum payments one way or another, and if you can’t, then, well, an asset that can’t guarantee returns is a very risky one and that’s what your country has just turned into.

还记得我之前说债务没什么吗? 嗯,这在一定程度上是成立的。所有那些向你提供贷款的银行和购买债券的公民们都希望获得一定的投资回报。如果债务突然飙升,或者GDP在一夜之间崩溃,或者由于某些外部因素导致利率飙升,看似可控的债务可能会突然占用你的全部预算。你需要以这种或那种方式支付最低支付额,如果你不能,那么,一项无法保证回报的资产是非常危险的,而这正是你的国家正在陷入的情况。

A financial crisis will start, which might be preventable in its early stages, but as it progresses, the debt, panic selling, and crashes start to add up. GDP falls and interest rates rise. Things will start bad, and get really bad.


And boy, can things get really bad.



(screw you guys for thinking this was just a Goering leak, seriously)




Just one last tidbit before we wrap up, to compensate for the decreased viability of manual construction, civilian factory growth is now automated to an annual gain/loss equal to your GDP growth percentage of total factories. Therefore, for example, if you had 100 civilian factories and a GDP growth rate of 3%, you’d gain 3 civilian factories at the end of the year.


So manage your economy well, and you’ll have something like this



Manage your economy like Goering, and you’ll have something like this



Now that I’ve offended Socialists, Fascists, Liberals, Conservatives, Keynesians, Austrian School economists, and >MMT alike, that about wraps up this diary! Please leave all your hate-filled comments below, and don't forget to let me know how much of an idiot/moron/partisan hack I am for misrepresenting a highly-complicated field of science in a mod that’s out of the designed era of its base game (which also misrepresents the era it’s designed for)! Thanks!


Big thanks to Kracc for helping create this system, and to Dogs & Spudd for the UI!

非常感谢Kracc帮助创建了这个系统,也非常感谢Dogs & Spudd提供的UI!

感谢 @HSwMS 雪之下雪乃@虛空 对文本的翻译,也再次感谢 @HSwMS 雪之下雪乃 对图片进行的翻译与制作。


发布于 2019-04-03 00:23



    TNO(The New Order: Last Days of Europe 新秩序:诸神黄昏)向我们展示了一个德国取得了大战的胜利,世界变得前所未有的黑暗的时间线。分歧始于1920年布哈林取得苏联权力斗争的胜利,随即进行了一系列改革却无不失败,导致国家陷入腐败和瘫痪。随后德军便摧枯拉朽般的摧毁了苏联;随后德国成功策反爱尔兰,将登陆部队送入英伦三岛,不久后不列颠宣告陷落;同一时间,美国也在太平洋战场上接连失败,丧失对太平洋的控制权。战后形成德美日冷战的局面,德国于50s的经济崩溃后已然处于崩溃边缘,殊不知中亚,高加索和非洲更有着人间炼狱等待着玩家

