欧陆风云4开发日志 | 5/7 德意志地图改动

欧陆风云4开发日志 | 5/7 德意志地图改动

牧游社 牧有汉化翻译

EU4 - Development Diary - 7th of May 2019

Caligula Caesar, EU4 Content Designer

Hi there and welcome to another dev diary for EU4. I am Pierre, I've been part of the EU4 Content Design team since December, and I feel honoured to be able to give you your first peeks at the new content we are making for the big European update and expansion we have planned for the end of the year.


This is the first of several dev diaries that will focus on the map changes we have made, giving large parts of the European map a much-needed revamp. I'll be starting with Germany (which for purely arbitrary reasons shall for today include Switzerland and Bohemia, but not Austria). As @neondt stated in an earlier dev diary, our aim was not to recreate Voltaire's Nightmare or to populate the entire HRE map with OPMs (this would have been eminently possible) but rather to create more depth and more interesting gameplay situations within it, righting various wrongs and finding ways to better represent the various dynamics of the empire's territories along the way.

我们会有数期关于我们所做的地图改动的开发日志,本篇日志是打头的,这一波地图更新会专注于为欧洲大部分地区提供急需的改造。我将从德国开始(今个儿我说了算了,所以内容将包括瑞士和波西米亚,但不含奥地利)。正如@neondt在早前开发日志中提到的,我们的目标不是重现伏尔泰的噩梦Voltaire's Nightmare,或者用一地小国填满整个神罗地区(这显然是可以做到的),而是在其中创造更有深度和更有趣的游戏情景,纠正各种错误,并找到方法以更好地代表帝国领地上发生的种种动态。

As with previous patches, all map changes shown here will be part of the free patch. In previous map previews, we have often revealed the idea groups of the new tags, and rest assured we will be adding new ideas to replace the generic German ones. However, the work to do so still lies in the future, so in the meantime I’d just like to give a shoutout to this thread – if you want to know what we are looking for in terms of threads suggesting new idea groups, look no further.


So without further ado…


South Germany


The lack of primogeniture in Bavaria until the 1500s led to several splits of the Duchy in the 14th century before its reunification in 1503. At game start, Wittelsbach Bavaria is divided between Munich, Landshut and Ingolstadt, who will have to fight it out for the duchy (or hope they inherit it). However, Bavaria can console itself with the fact that, once united, it will have considerably more resources at its disposal than in 1.28, with new provinces in Innbaiern (modern Innviertel, ceded to Austria in 1779; capital: Braunau), Freising, Rosenheim and Donauwörth (which has Swabian culture and is a releasable tag). We hope for Bavaria to become a strong power within the HRE in the next patch. To make this more likely, we will be adding DHEs such as this one to the Bavarian sub-duchies:


- 也许是时候让巴伐利亚重新统一了!(慕尼黑获得对兰茨胡特的宣战借口“重建联盟”;慕尼黑获得对因戈尔施塔特的宣战借口“重建联盟”。)

Also new to Bavaria is the inclusion of Regensburg as a Free City and Passau as a Bishopric. At present, the latter is a vassal under Munich, since historically Munich's territories more or less surrounded Passau and we do not wish the latter to be easy food for Bohemia or Austria. Finally, Salzburg (already in the Bavarian geographic area) now has Bavarian culture, which more correctly represents its situation in 1444 – it was part of the Bavarian Circle and was only annexed by Austria as late as 1805.


Moving south, the large province of Tirol has been split in several pieces, with the independent County of Bregenz (currently Austrian culture) to the west representing one of the more challenging starting positions in the HRE (they have 5 development and an heir with low legitimacy). The main province has been further split between Inntal (capital: Innsbruck) and Etschtal (capital: Meran).


Switzerland, too, has seen a makeover. The Swiss Confederacy was a growing power in the 15th century but was not yet close to controlling all of what would become Switzerland. Whilst we elected not to start with individual independent Swiss Cantons (this would simply make them easy prey for Austria, Milan, Savoy and Burgundy), we did split off the largest independent force, the Three Leagues. In the process, Graubünden was split to become Illanz and Chur, and Fribourg/Freiburg was added west of Bern.

瑞士也进行了改造。瑞士联邦在15世纪是一股蒸蒸日上的势力,但距离最终的版图仍有一定距离。虽然我们不会让它直接从单个单个的独立瑞士州开始(这只会让它成为奥地利、米兰、萨伏伊和勃艮第的下饭菜),但我们确实划分出了最大的独立势力——三大同盟Three Leagues(译注:15世纪格劳宾登州的三个不同邦联:灰色同盟神所同盟十辖区同盟,它们在1497年后相继联合加入瑞士自由邦)。经由这一转变,格劳宾登Graubünden分裂成了伊兰茨Illanz库尔Chur,而弗里堡Fribourg /弗雷堡Freiburg则被添加到伯尔尼以西。

Finally, Swabia has seen considerable changes. Firstly, Austria's holdings in Swabia (or "Further Austria" are better represented, with Breisgau now being ruled by Austria, as it was in history. Baden has been compensated with the addition of Durlach (which would later become Karlsruhe) to its north. Wurttemberg, which was the largest territorial state in Swabia but somehow is an OPM with 6 development in EU4, now has a new province in the form of Urach (capital: Reutlingen) and a substantial buff in terms of development. Additionally, Ravensburg has been swapped for the Free City of Konstanz, Alsace is now the Bishopric of Strasbourg, the new tag of Mulhouse has been added to represent the Decapolis in southern Alsace, and Ulm is no longer wildly mislocated.

最后,施瓦本也经历了相当大的改动。首先,奥地利在施瓦本(或称前奥地利/远奥地利)占有的领土更多了,现在布雷斯高Breisgau直接属于奥地利,就如历史上那样。巴登因其北部加入了迪拉克Durlach(后来成为卡尔斯鲁厄)而获得了补偿。符腾堡是施瓦本地区拥有最大领土的邦国,但不知何故在欧陆风云4里只是一个6发展度的一地小国, 现在它拥有了一个叫做乌拉赫Urach的省份(首府罗伊特林根),并且在发展度上有了实质的增长。此外,拉芬斯堡已经换成了康斯坦茨Konstanz自由市,阿尔萨斯现在是斯特拉斯堡Strasbourg主教区,米卢斯Mulhouse作为新国家加入阿尔萨斯南部,代表了十城联盟Decapolis,并且乌尔姆Ulm的地理位置不会再错的那么离谱了。

To add a bit more interest to the area, states of Swabian culture will now be able to form Swabia.


Central Germany and Bohemia


Saxony has been given several new provinces but has also been split in two. Like Bavaria, Saxony did not have primogeniture; unlike Bavaria, Saxony never fully resolved this issue. As a result, in the 15th century, it was split several times, with the end result being the Treaty of Leipzig in 1485, where Saxony was split between the two brothers Ernest and Albert on lines similar to those displayed on the map above, except that both continued calling themselves Saxony and Ernest (Thuringia) gained Wittenberg and the Electorate. Thuringia/Ernestine Saxony later lost the Electorate to (Albertine) Saxony and split into many, many pieces. This all lies in the future in 1444 (via several planned DHEs), so the current division is based on that in 1445 between the brothers Friedrich and Wilhelm. Thuringia starts under PU by Saxony, but there will be several events which will make it a difficult subject to keep quiet for Saxony. New provinces are Zwickau in Saxony and three in Thuringia (previously one province with low development), which is now much better represented by Erfurt (Mainz has a core on this province to represent certain historical complexities), Weimar and Coburg (Franconian culture).

萨克森已经被给予了数个新省份,但作为代价,也被一分为二。像巴伐利亚一样,萨克森也没有长子继承制;但不像巴伐利亚的是,萨克森从来就没有完全解决这个问题。因此,在整个15世纪中,萨克森经历了数次分裂,最后以1485年的莱比锡条约Treaty of Leipzig为结果。条约规定,萨克森被恩内斯特和阿尔伯特两兄弟根据类似上图显示的划分给分割成了两部分,但双方都称自己为萨克森。恩内斯特(图林根)获得了维滕贝格(路德城维滕贝格)和选帝侯身份,一段时间之后,图林根/恩内斯特便把选帝侯位子输给了阿尔伯特,他的领地也被瓜分成为了碎片。这些都被安排在了1444年开局的未来中(计划通过数个动态历史事件来表现),因此,开局时的划分是基于1445年威廉和腓特烈兄弟的领地划分。图林根以被萨克森联统而开局,但会有数个让图林根很难在萨克森统治下安分守己的事件。接下来是新省份,萨克森得到了茨维考Zwickau,而图林根得到了三个省份(而不是之前只有一个低发展度省份),现在更好地被表现为埃尔福特Erfurt(由于要表现特定的历史复杂性,美因茨拥有该城的核心)、魏玛Weimar科堡Coburg(法兰克尼亚文化)。

Franconia has seen a few more provinces and tags added. Most importantly, Franconia itself is now a formable tag if you manage to unite the Franconian lands. This is however easier said than done as Franconia now includes two Free Cities and lands owned by strong neighbours (i.e. Coburg by Thuringia). Würzburg, the titular holders of the duchy, remain the strongest power, with a new province in Fulda (Rhenish i.e. Hessian culture) and vassal in Bamberg. Their main rivals, Ansbach, now have Bayreuth as their junior partners in PU. They are now also bordered on the west by Rothenburg, another new Free City. Finally, the large province of Mainz has been split and the new Franconian culture province of Aschaffenburg has been added.


Moving West, @Ofaloaf did some pyrotechnics to the lower Rhineland map to make space to squeeze in Jülich (owned by Berg). The Palatinate has a new province in Zweibrücken, and although Hessen has no new provinces, its provinces have been renamed to Oberhessen and Niederhessen, with Niederhessen (Kassel) now the capital and more affluent province.


Finally, Bohemia, like other regions, has gained some new provinces. Lusatia has been split in three (with Oberlausitz split between Bautzen and Görlitz). This has allowed us to make Lusatia an area and releasable tag, with the provinces now having Sorbian culture. Silesia, as you can see, has been split in two between Glogau and Opole. Silesia the tag still exists and can be formed by a Silesian country that owns all of Silesia and is not a subject. Bohemia and Moravia have seen three more provinces added, with space being made for Jindrichuv Hradec, Pardubice and Ostrava. Although this is quite a few new provinces, we split the development of existing provinces to make room for them, so Bohemian starting development is not noticeably higher; we will of course be paying attention to the balance side of things to avoid Bohemia becoming the Ottomans of Europe.

最后,波希米亚像其它地区一样,也获得了一些新省份。卢萨蒂亚Lusatia被分成了三块(上卢萨蒂亚Oberlausitz被分为包岑Bautzen格尔利茨Görlitz),这让我们能将卢萨蒂亚变成一个地区,以及成为一个带有索布Sorbian文化省份的可释放国家。西里西亚,就像大家看到的一样,被分成了格洛高Glogau(格沃古夫)和奥波来Opole两个省份。西里西亚现在仍然作为国家存在,可以被拥有整个西里西亚地区的西里西亚文化非附庸国家成立。波希米亚和摩拉维亚也添加了三个新省份,因德日赫赫拉德茨Jindrichuv Hradec(因德日赫堡)、帕尔杜比采Pardubice俄斯特拉发Ostrava。即使有了不少新省份,我们还是把现存省份的发展度拆分出来,来给新省份留出空间。因此,波希米亚开始时的发展度并没有明显的提升。我们当然会注意到平衡性方面,来避免波希米亚成为“欧洲奥斯曼”。

Northern Germany


We restrained ourselves from adding too many provinces to Brandenburg, mainly because this was not a very densely inhabited area and in 1444 few would have predicted that it would later rise to power. However, they did gain a new province in Brandenburg (the city) and are stronger than most of their neighbours, so if they can secure the alliances needed to keep the likes of Bohemia away, they are still well-placed to expand – especially since the sale of Neumark will now also grant them Dramburg.


Pomerania had a bit of a situation with their lack of primogeniture too (I seem to be repeating myself here). In fact, they split many, many times and were united much more seldom than they were divided. We went for a fairly conservative split and made them into Wolgast in the west and Stettin in the east, with new provinces in Wolgast and Rügen. A united Pomerania will of course be able to form Pomerania. Also, Rügen is a releasable tag that, in homage to Klaus Störtebecker and the hotbed of piracy that was the Baltic, will have the opportunity of going pirate if you own Golden Century.

由于也缺少长子继承制,波美拉尼亚的情况也有一点尴尬(我好像又在做自己的复读机)。实际上,他们分裂了许多许多次,比起分裂来说统一的情况反而比较罕见。我们对其进行了一个比较保守的分割,把其分为西部的沃尔加斯特和东部的斯德丁(什切青),附带有新省份沃尔加斯特Wolgast吕根岛Rügen。统一波美拉尼亚文化省份的国家当然也可以成立波美拉尼亚。同样,吕根也是一个可释放国家,为了向大海盗克劳斯·斯托特贝克致敬,同时也作为波罗的海海盗的温床,在拥有黄金世纪Golden Century的情况下,会拥有改革成为海盗政体的机会。

The smaller states to the west of Brandenburg have each gained provinces, with Mecklenburg now correctly owning Stargard, Lüneburg's significance better represented by the addition of Celle, and Magdeburg now owning the bishop's summer residence of Halle. Braunschweig (previously one of the largest provinces of the HRE) has had the city of Göttingen split off it to the south (still owned by the Brunswick tag though) and is bordered to the east by the new Free City of Goslar, and the tag Verden now also owns a province called Verden as well as Stade.


Further west, Cologne too has an extra province in Paderborn (which is a releasable tag) and Berg is our new bordergore galore tag, owning Bielefeld as well as Berg and Jülich. Last but not least, Dortmund has also been added as a Free City.


Another change that we made in the north is in the cultures. There have been many calls for a "Lower Saxon" culture, and we have heeded these calls by splitting the Westphalian culture. Conveniently, this allows us to make the Kingdom of Hannover into the formable for the Lower Saxons and Westphalia into that for the Westphalians and Rhenish peoples.


As a final note, I'd add that our focus on the Holy Roman Empire gives us a good opportunity to add flavour events for the tags populating it. I've been loving reading through the suggestions in threads such as this one. Please keep them coming, and if there is any interesting historical event you would like to see in the game, feel free to ping me (I can also read German and French, so you can send me links in those languages too).


That’s it for now. Next week, I'll be presenting a few of the German mission trees we have prepared so far.


翻译:坎宁 乌薪王葛温

校对:万豪顿 三等文官猹中堂




发布于 2019-05-08 15:29